The Fredericton Botanic Garden has three standing Volunteer Committees, open to members of the Garden and the general public. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the office at
Standing Committees
Site Development Committee
This committee is currently at capacity
Oversees on the ground activities of the garden, including but limited to: garden bed approval, design, placement and upkeep; trail development, maintenance and repair; infrastructure such as greenhouses; tribute placements; invasive species control; garden specific projects.
Membership and Volunteer Services
This committee is currently recruiting new members
Helps grow the garden by increasing membership. Keep their fingers on the pulse of the membership through surveys, casual conversations and other means. Makes recommendations to Board and management based on member input. Recruits new sponsors of membership benefits.
Helps recruit volunteers for a variety of garden activities including planting, transplanting and weeding. Lines up volunteers to assist with projects such as building bird houses, painting greenhouses, building planter boxes, etc., selecting inventory and helping with the Annual Spring Plant Sale. Responsible for selecting the Volunteer of the Year.
Community Engagement Committee
This committee is currently recruiting new members
Responsible for promoting the Garden’s brand through input to vehicles such as the newsletter, brochures, website and social media. Recruits participants to speaker’s bureau, to help get the message out. Oversees Garden signs and messaging.
Ad-hoc Committees
These committees are generally not active year-round, may disband when mandate achieved
Annual Spring Plant Sale
This committee is currently recruiting new members
Native Plant Content
This committee is currently recruiting new members
Individual Volunteer Opportunities
- Office support, such as data entry, photocopying, assembling packages, etc.
- Collecting donated plants (may involve digging them up and transporting to Garden)
- Photography
- Grant writing
- Seed sorting and cleaning in preparation for Seedy Saturday
- Watering
- Tool cleaning and sharpening
- Bench maintenance, such as tightening bolts, wiping down, checking for damage
Become a Volunteer
Fill out the form and choose ‘Volunteering’ from the dropdown menu.