the Botanic Blog

Here, we hope you’ll find a rich collection of stories, insights, and updates celebrating the wonders of nature. From behind-the-scenes looks at our seasonal blooms to expert gardening tips, wildlife conservation efforts, and event highlights, our posts offer a little something for every garden lover.

Content is written by gardening enthusiasts, both amateur and professional, and drawn from among our members, supporters, external experts, and folks who like to provide commentary. Whether you’re exploring for inspiration, planning your next visit, or simply enjoying the magic of plants from afar, our blog is your gateway to the vibrant world of our garden.


If you are interested in contributing to The Botanic Blog, or would like permission to reprint an article, please contact our office

The Fredericton Botanic Garden Food Forest

Highlights:  The Fredericton Botanic Garden Association food forest started from a fruit tree orchard planted in 2018 from donated trees, and in 2021-2023, grew to the project it is today, thanks to funding from the Community Food Action and Fredericton…

Tall mountains, tiny plants 

Life clings tenaciously to even the least hospitable parts of our Earth: the hottest thermal springs, the deepest oceans, the driest deserts, and the highest mountains.  While the species associated with hot springs and deep oceans would be a challenge…


Poinsettia with red flowers and green leaves

Christmas is a time for plants. There is the Christmas tree, of course. Mistletoe and holly also play prominent roles. However, in more recent history the poinset-tia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, has become a symbol of Christmas and a staple for holiday…

Openings on our Board of Directors 

Would you like to help grow the Fredericton Botanic Garden and support its mission to welcome Fredericton’s diverse communities to enjoy and learn about plants, gardens and nature?  We are looking for people with different backgrounds, time and skills and…

New Brunswick Plants Website

It is exciting for the Fredericton Botanic Garden to spearhead this unique resource for our province. While the site is still very much a work-in-progress, there are now approximately 800 species live on the site,, with more being added…

How plants prepare for winter 

Winter spruce

When winter comes, we get ourselves, and our homes and gardens, ready.  Our Garden makes its own preparations.   Our plants can’t head inside, or put on parkas and tuques, so they have to be ready to be cold.  And there’s…

HGTV says we’re a “Must-See”! 

A wonderful article was posted by HGTV naming 13 “Must-See” Botanical Gardens Across Canada. We at the Fredericton Botanic Garden are delighted to be included alongside 12 other fantastic botanic gardens from all over the country!  Check out Melissa Girimonte’s…

Gardens, Beachheads, Invasions

Japanese knotweed

A visit to a garden is a chance to see beautiful plants, and often, unfamiliar ones.  For centuries, gardeners have scoured the world for beauty that evolved in far-off lands. Many of our most cherished garden plants, then, originated somewhere…