Plan Your Own Pollinator Garden with Dr. Kaushal Rathnayake
February 15 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Plant biologist and expert in pollination, Dr. Kaushal (Kush) Rathnayake will guide you through the process of planning your own pollinator garden so that you can do your part in supporting pollinators. Kush will offer insight into why native plants benefit pollinators more than ornamentals do, which plants grow best in the Fredericton area, and which plants are preferred by different pollinators, including caterpillars, moths, bats, and flies. Proper positioning of plants to maximize growth and suggestions for companion planting will also be discussed. Refreshments will be served and swamp milkweed seeds – the monarch buttery’s favourite – will be available free of charge.
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$15 Fredericton Botanic Garden Members / Non-members $20