Welcome to the Fredericton Botanic Garden
About The Garden
In 1989, inspired by their common passion for botany and horticulture, a group of residents formed the Fredericton Botanic Garden Association (FBGA), dedicated to establishing a Botanic Garden in Fredericton. One year later, in 1990, the City of Fredericton dedicated a 21-hectare (53-acre) property at the west end of Odell Park, and the Fredericton Botanic Garden was born.
The Fredericton Botanic Garden is open to the public from dawn to dusk, 365 days a year, free of charge. The Garden can be accessed from Prospect Street (by the ball fields) or Cameron Court (off Hanwell Road), with parking available at both entrances. There are also two areas for foot access from Odell Park, one near each of the official entrances.
In addition to the Central Corridor, which runs from the bottom to the top of the Garden, there are numerous trails of varying lengths and challenges available for your enjoyment. Consult the map for more information on specific trails.
Enjoy the almost 20 individual gardens located throughout the property, designed to provide something new to see each week during the growing season. Please take nothing but photographs.